Thursday, November 25, 2010


Hello All,

It is a great day for deals: From Thanksgiving day through Sunday November 28th, go to my website to enjoy FREE SHIPPING on any item on the website. Good on both hubcaps and jewelry, this will save you a little money you can spend on other good deals!!!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving, one and all!!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Christmas Time is coming soon!!!

There is a wonderful chill in the air these days- the days are getting shorter- and the craze is in people's eyes... Christmas is coming. With less than 38 days remaining, there is still plenty of time for Christmas markets and fairs.

Give the Gift of Homemade this year!!!

Upcoming Events

November 26 and 27: Christmas Market on Market Square
(Friday:Noon to 9pm, Sat: 10am-5pm)

December 3-5 and 10-12: Handmade Holiday Sale- 15 Market Square (the old Abode store)
(Friday: Noon to 9pm, Sat:10am to 9pm, and Sun:1pm to 5pm)

December 4, 11, and 18: Christmas Market- Market Square
(Saturdays Noon to 7pm)

Join us as we brave the colder weather, and start off the holidays right!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Upcoming Events

This Friday- Downtown Visitor's Center in Knoxville, TN
I will be there all day displaying my jewelry and some of my hubcaps. Come and take a look.

Sunday Oct. 3rd- Ijams Nature Center's Fall Plant Sale
Many local vendors will be here with their handmade crafts and treasures...PLUS if you need some plants, this is the place to be!!

Saturday Oct. 9th- Mountain Madness Film Festival- Gatlinburg, TN
Come and check out the Harvest Hangout going on at the town square!!! Drum circles, music, arts, food and more!!! PLUS FILMS!!! All for a great cause. Check out the website for more information.

November 12-14- Christmas Market- Knoxville Expo Center on Clinton Hwy.
How can you go wrong with a room full of nothing but arts and crafts!!!

The holidays are right around the corner... get that Christmas shopping done early by checking out one of these events or go to my website at I do custom designs and paintings, so let me know if you need something special.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Adventures in Dayton and Other Events

It seems as though summer has passed me by and now fall has started to show itself. Along with fall coming forth, so does all the fall festivals, Christmas markets, and craft shows- HOW EXCITING!!

This weekend is extremely fun, since I will be traveling to Dayton, OH for the Concors d'Elegance to show off my hubcaps. I am one of 8 other artists nationwide that will be showing off our car related artwork at this grand event. Here is the newspaper article on it:

After this wondrously great event, the next few events are local:

Sept. 25th- Handmade Autumn Sale-(10am-6pm) At Fisher Tire and Lost and Found
Records on Broadway.
Oct. 3rd- Ijams Fall Plant Sale (9am-2pm) At Ijams Nature Center

And there are others to come... I am just finalizing the details. Also, after this week, I will be updating my other website at with all of the new jewelry and hubcap pieces. I took a break from that this summer since things were insanely busy, but back to business after the Dayton show.

Thanks to all of you and have a great end to summer as we welcome in the fall!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

New Stores, New Jewelry, New Adventures!!!

Summer is here and things are hot, hot, hot. If you are looking for something to do, take some time and stop down at Ijams Nature Center, Earth to the Old City in Market Square, or the Downtown Visitor's Center to check out the new selection of jewelry (just restocked) won't find the same pieces at any of those places. And speaking of stores, I want to thank Tea and Treasures in South Knoxville who will now be hosting my jewelry in their amazingly wonderful store. Located on Martin Mill Pike, this store has everything you could possibly want as gifts for others or treasures for yourself. Stop in a take a look.

I am taking my jewelry on the road starting August 1st and will be making a 2 week trip out to California and back, and hopefully I can sell some stuff along the way...USA- HERE I COME!! I am a girl with a dream and I hope that it will be a successful trip!!!

Once I am back and fall time comes this way, look for my jewelry classes at Joann Fabrics on North Peters Rd... I start in November and it is going to be great fun. Come and take a class with me!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This Friday!!!-

Come one, come all to the Downtown Visitor's Center this Friday, June 25th for the Uniquely Friday event!!! I will have my jewelry set up starting around 8am and it will be set up all day.

Lots of new and exciting pieces will be on display, so come and take a look!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

New Hubcaps!!

New Hubcap-Sun and the Wind
Custom Hubcap for a Ford Lightning Fan

Slowly moving into Summer!!!

Hello All,

It is hard to believe we are almost through June!! I have taken a small break from festivals and booths for a few weeks... which means.... NEW STUFF ON THE WEBSITE!!! I just bought a new camera to replace the one that was stolen, so now I have a way add new jewelry and hubcaps to the site. Go and check it out and tell me what you think!!!

But in August, look for me in Cali, because I am bringing my jewelry to the west coast for a few days to set up in L.A. on Venice Beach... I can't wait!!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

This summer is sizzlin' already!!

As May winds down to an end, I find myself thinking it is hard to believe almost half of the year is almost over.... but it is not going to slow down!!! Oh no.. the festivals are begining as well as the Farmer's Markets.

This coming weekend-June 5th- I want to invite everyone out to IjamsFest... a fabulous and wonderful event put on at Ijams Nature Center downtown to benefit the education department. There are 7 bands lined up: The Natti Love Joys, Todd Steed and the Suns of Phere, The Lonetones, The Bearded, Cain and Annabelle, Catfish Mercury Load, and Jack Wolf. But not only are these great bands going to play all day for us to dance and jam out, but there will be 20 local food and craft vendors for your shopping pleasure- INCLUDING ME!!!
Gates open at 3pm and event goes till 10pm... food, music, beer, and shopping!
For more info- visit us at!/pages/IjamsFest/115552408461364?ref=ts

Following that fun-filled weekend will be Farm Fest out at Beardsley Farm in downtown Knoxville. This is another great event for a place that helps the community be healthy and happy by growing amazing gardens with the help of volunteers from the community. Another great cause!!! For more info on this, go to so you can visit me and my jewelry out there.

So much to do and nothing but great days to do it.

See you out there!!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Vote on my Rainbarrel!!!!

Hi Everyone... I just wanted to let you know that there is a contest going on and I need your votes. We are voting on our painted rainbarrels for our Rainy Day Brush Off Event here in Knoxville, and the barrels are going to be displayed starting this Sunday May 23 at the Knoxville Museum of Art.

Please follow this link to the voting website and the title of my piece is " Summer of the Swans."

Vote today!!!

P.S- Come out and see my jewelry this Friday at the Downtown Visitor's Center for Uniquely Friday. It will be up all day, so stop by for a peek!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

AMP Music Festival- THIS WEEK!!!!

Hi all,

I just wanted to let you know about this great concert festival coming up this week. On May 14-15 at Southbound Bar and Grill located in the Old City in Knoxville 20+ bands will be coming together to support the Appalachian Mountains and raise both money and awareness about mountain top removal.

I will be there selling my jewelry and jamming out to some great music...and you should come down and jam out too!!! For more information on the bands, times, etc go to

Come out and support a great cause and come and see me!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spring has Sprung

Looking out my window, I see the redbuds blooming and the flowers on the Dogwoods bursting with life. Not only is it spring, but it is time for craft fairs and farmer's markets.
Here is a list of my upcoming shows-

April 30th- Uniquely Friday at the Downtown Visitor's Center 8:30am-5:30pm
May 7th- First Friday at Mast General Store 5pm-Close

June 5th- IjamsFest 3pm-10pm

Plus I will hopefully be able to add in a few weekends for the Market Square Farmer's Market. Don't forget to check out my new website at
or stop in at one of the stores that sell my jewelry:
Knoxville Visitor's Center
Little Sister's
Earth to the Old City
Ijams Nature Center

Monday, March 15, 2010


Finally it is here. I have worked hard this weekend to get my new website up and running so that my jewelry and hubcaps can be purchased online instead of just at shows. Believe me, it is still in the baby stages, but I am working to get it up and running as a full store as soon as I can.

The new website is:

Again, don't judge it too soon, but it will be filling up with stuff... don't worry.

Also, just a quick heads up... I will be at the Women's Today Expo this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with the Downtown Visitor's Center and would love it if you all came out to see us.
It is supposed to be a huge turn out!!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Where to find me around town!!!

If you are looking for a few new accessories to get your spring wardrobe looking the best, then go and check out these stores that are now carrying my products!!!

Ijams Nature Center

Little Sisters- off Broadway

Downtown Visitor's Center- On the corner of Summit Hill and Gay St.

Earth to the Old City- on Market Square

Or if you and your friends want to get together for a jewelry party, that can be arranged as well.

Remember- each store carries different items... it is pretty RARE that you will find more than one of each piece. So check them out today!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

First Friday in February and more!!!

Busy, busy busy....

Join me this Friday for Uniquely Friday and First Friday at the Downtown Knoxville Visitor's Center with special jewelry and hubcaps to give to your sweetheart for Valentine's Day (way to plan ahead!!!) Special guest-Ferd Moyse from the Hackensaw Boys will be playing for the First Friday event. Come one-come all, because it is going to be a great night!!!

Also, if you are out and about in town, stop by Little Sisters store, off Broadway in north Knoxville to check out some of my jewelry!!!!

I hope 2010 is starting out well and wonderous for you all!!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

2010 Starts with a Bang!!!

As 2010 begins, I want to start out with a big thank you to everyone who helped me get my business going last year. I had a great jumping off point and now, I want this year to be bigger and better than the last.

Look for new jewelry photos as I work to get a new page up and running where my jewelry and hubcaps will be available to purchase online!!

Also, jewelry classes are picking up quickly, so if you would like to schedule a jewelry party for you and your friends, or if you would like some personal jewelry shopping, contact me at (865) 684-7466 or send me an email at

I look forward to seeing you all around town this year at First Fridays, Farmer's Markets, art shows and more.