Thursday, February 16, 2012

Make 2012 your year for Crafting!!!

2012 is cruising along and we have been crafting away the whole time! Thank you all for making the Make and Take workshops a huge success, as well as the salvage jewelry, collage pendants, and painted hubcap classes. I am so impressed with the creativity out there!!!

For those who have never attended one of my classes, it is an artsy mecca of creative madness... to say the least. People of all ages come together to upcycled, repurpose, embellish, transform, and take home treasures that came from old sweaters that were shrunk in the wash, jewelry broken from years ago, old pallets, dingy clay pots, worn pillows, and  more.

Imagine- instead of throwing out that old stuff... transform it!!

Plan to attend the next Make and Take Workshop on March 11th from Noon to 5pm at Ijams Nature Center (2915 Island Home Ave. Knoxville, TN 37912). Cost is $10 a person- part of the proceeds goes back to Ijams as a donation.

Can't make that date?! Why not have a Salvage Party at Home! I bring everything to you, you just invite your friends, your neighbors, or your family for a girls night in or a fun family affair.

This is the year to learn a new skill, a new craft, or new hobby. These classes are your ticket to keeping those resolutions....we have class at least once a month to keep you in the crafting game!

For more information on classes- call Sarah at (865) 684-7466.