Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Upcoming Events

This Friday- Downtown Visitor's Center in Knoxville, TN
I will be there all day displaying my jewelry and some of my hubcaps. Come and take a look.

Sunday Oct. 3rd- Ijams Nature Center's Fall Plant Sale
Many local vendors will be here with their handmade crafts and treasures...PLUS if you need some plants, this is the place to be!!

Saturday Oct. 9th- Mountain Madness Film Festival- Gatlinburg, TN
Come and check out the Harvest Hangout going on at the town square!!! Drum circles, music, arts, food and more!!! PLUS FILMS!!! All for a great cause. Check out the website for more information.

November 12-14- Christmas Market- Knoxville Expo Center on Clinton Hwy.
How can you go wrong with a room full of nothing but arts and crafts!!!

The holidays are right around the corner... get that Christmas shopping done early by checking out one of these events or go to my website at I do custom designs and paintings, so let me know if you need something special.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Adventures in Dayton and Other Events

It seems as though summer has passed me by and now fall has started to show itself. Along with fall coming forth, so does all the fall festivals, Christmas markets, and craft shows- HOW EXCITING!!

This weekend is extremely fun, since I will be traveling to Dayton, OH for the Concors d'Elegance to show off my hubcaps. I am one of 8 other artists nationwide that will be showing off our car related artwork at this grand event. Here is the newspaper article on it:

After this wondrously great event, the next few events are local:

Sept. 25th- Handmade Autumn Sale-(10am-6pm) At Fisher Tire and Lost and Found
Records on Broadway.
Oct. 3rd- Ijams Fall Plant Sale (9am-2pm) At Ijams Nature Center

And there are others to come... I am just finalizing the details. Also, after this week, I will be updating my other website at with all of the new jewelry and hubcap pieces. I took a break from that this summer since things were insanely busy, but back to business after the Dayton show.

Thanks to all of you and have a great end to summer as we welcome in the fall!!!